Criminal Justice in the Twenty-First Century

Quiz Content

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. While representing 5 per cent of the population, ________ made up 24 per cent of all homicide victims in 2017.

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. Most changes to the justice system have been driven by ________.

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. Cuts to criminal justice practices and services can often result in ________.

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. ________ is not analyzed as part of the PESTEL process.

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. ________ is not an external factor that has driven change in the criminal justice system.

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. One of the most significant challenges that will confront the Canadian justice system in the future is ________.

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. Investigations carried out by undercover police officers posing as criminals to obtain confessions are referred to as ________.

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. Using a PESTEL analysis, a predicted future difference between urban and rural justice systems is ________.

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. In recent years, abuse of ________ resulted in thousands of overdose deaths across Canada.

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. If you are considering running for political office, increasing the budget of ________ may help you secure votes.

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. The 2014 General Social Survey found that recent immigrants had the highest confidence in the police and justice system.

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. The Trudeau government has introduced a continued "tough on crime" policy approach like the previous Harper government.

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. In October 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada held that the British Columbia immediate roadside prohibition (IRP) legislation was unconstitutional.

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. Aging populations are usually associated with less crime whereas rapid population growth is associated with more crime.

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. Anti-drunk driving practices, like the British Columbia IRP legislation, are not Criminal Code matters.

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. When the misconduct of officials in the justice system becomes viral on social media, the public's outrage can result in swift action.

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. Only a small proportion of Canadians consider protecting endangered animals to be important.

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. Economic downturns typically occur about once every five years.

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. Canadian police officers are about six times more likely to kill a suspect than American officers.

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. Rural crime victims may find it harder to access supportive services such as domestic violence shelters.

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