Chapter 8 Quiz Without Consequence

Please note that this exercise is for self-study, and your instructor will not be able to see your responses.

Quiz Content

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. The Monroe's motivated sequence is a chronological organizational pattern.

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. A speaker's outline should always flow from the purpose statement.

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. A main point in an outline can be divided into a single subpoint.

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. A transitional statement and an internal preview are the same thing.

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. A signpost is an internal summary.

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. "Having considered the serious harms from debt default, let's now consider what can be done about this crisis" is an example of

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. The Monroe's motivated sequence is an organizational pattern that

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. The comparative advantages organizational pattern compares two things and argues that

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. A topical organizational pattern

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. You should replace your presentation outline (a full-sentence outline) with a __________ outline-an abbreviated outline (with only key words and phrases)-when you're getting ready to deliver your speech.

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