Chapter 7 Quiz Without Consequence

Please note that this exercise is for self-study, and your instructor will not be able to see your responses.

Quiz Content

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. A direct question is just another name for a rhetorical question

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. "Have you ever wanted to be a rap star?" is an effective direct question to gain attention during the introduction of a speech on the perils of celebrity.

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. "I want to convince you that this new health care plan is another devil-may-care, porkbarrel program" is a clear, precise and specific purpose statement.

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. The significance of the topic, credibility of the speaker, and preview of main points can be presented in any order and still be effective.

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. The specific purpose identifies the overall goal of your speech.

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. A speaker says: "Why are there so few electric cars on the road today?" This is

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. Speeches typically should include these objectives:

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. Ways to establish credibility in an introduction to a speech include

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. "In brief, I provided historical context for understanding our debt crisis, presented three harms from ignoring our national debt, and offered some long-term solutions" is

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. Why is expecting listeners to respond overtly to a question risky business?

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