Chapter 5 Quiz Without Consequence

Please note that this exercise is for self-study, and your instructor will not be able to see your responses.

Quiz Content

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. Real examples are usually more effective than hypothetical examples because real examples aren't easy to discount. Hypothetical examples can be discounted with a dismissive "that would never happen."

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. When quoting the Internet, be sure to provide a specific date for the citation.

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. "According to the previously cited Washington Post article" is an acceptable abbreviated source citation when the original article has already been cited completely.

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. It is ethically appropriate to take a quotation by a speaker out of context and make it appear to be saying the opposite of what was actually stated as long as the quotation is very short and makes an important point.

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. Statistics can be "too big" and require explanation.

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. Testimony from nonexperts on a speech subject

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. "Imagine what terror you would experience if, in the middle of the night, you were seized by an intruder, bound and gagged, and whisked away from your family and home" is an example of

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. Among the guidelines for effective stacking of statistics to create impact:

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. To make a statistic such as "There is a total of 3,250,000 cubic yards of concrete in the Hoover Dam" effective you should

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. What is not true of using expert testimony as support?

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