Chapter 4 Quiz Without Consequence

Please note that this exercise is for self-study, and your instructor will not be able to see your responses.

Quiz Content

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. You have greater access to information than at any time in human history. This makes researching speech topics especially easy because so much information is readily accessible.

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. You should never conduct an interview of an expert by email. It should always be in-person to show proper respect.

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. "Earwigs are so named because they crawl into sleeping people's ears and eat their brains, causing madness and/or death" is a common claim found on the Internet. This claim can be checked by consulting

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. When conducting an in-person interview with an expert, approach it as a kind of ambush journalism or an undercover operation to seek the truth because this will produce the best results.

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. You are not sure the information you found listed first in your Google search for information is credible, but since it is listed first, you should use it anyway.

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. Using Wikipedia as a general source of information for speech topics has which of the following advantages?

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. When evaluating information found on the Internet, you should

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. When interviewing an expert by email, not face-to-face, you should

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. Daily Kos is a

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. Two of the most valuable survey sites for public opinion are

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