Chapter 3 Quiz Without Consequence

Please note that this exercise is for self-study, and your instructor will not be able to see your responses.

Quiz Content

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. You should never cry when speaking to an audience; it shows lack of composure and weakens credibility.

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. Stereotypes are broad negative generalizations about a group that ignore individual differences and are always untrue claims.

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. Ethnocentrism is the perspective that argues for treating all cultures with respect and acceptance of their practices and customs.

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. Storytelling is one very effective way to increase stylistic similarity with an audience.

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. A good topic is any topic of interest to your listening audience.

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. You are told by your instructor to attend a speech by a famous author who is appearing on campus in the evening. Failure to attend will result in a loss of points for your term grade. Attending this speech makes you part of a ___________ audience.

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. A belief is

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. Ways to establish speaker identification with an audience include

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. As a speaker, you try to find common ground with your listeners to overcome anticipated hostility to your point of view. This attempt to find common ground to create identification with your audience is called establishing

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. Which of the following is an effective way to explore potential speech topics?

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