Quiz Content

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. Unmanaged speech anxiety can cause:

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. The Chapman University survey reported that the fear factor of public speaking is higher than:

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. A complex constellation of physiological symptoms, such as increased blood pressure, increased perspiration, and inhibited digestion, that can occur due to speech anxiety is also known as:

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. Lyeshia expects to feel some speech anxiety, but plans to do some breathing exercises and give her speech, no matter how nervous she feels. This is an example of:

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. Harry considers withdrawing from his public speaking course for the second time because he is too nervous to get up in front of the audience. This is an example of:

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. Why are predictions of public speaking catastrophes considered unrealistic?

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. When public speaking is no longer viewed as a novelty, the activity will produce less anxiety is also known as:

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. What is one key way to mitigate conspicuousness, or the "spotlight effect" associated with anxiety over conspicuousness?

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. Anxiety associated with types of speeches may occur because:

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. Ensuring sure that you have eaten well before a speech, avoided drinking too much caffeine, and eliminating alcohol or tranquilizers are known as:

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. When you are adequately prepared, you have removed most of the ______________ from the speaking situation:

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. An example of reframing your speech to a communication orientation is:

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. Research on attentional control shows that high anxiety speakers concentrate on the threat associated with ________________.

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. A strategy to develop communication orientation is to _____________________.

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. Reframing negative self-talk, which can lead to catastrophic thinking, is also known as:

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. Considering the severity of a feared occurrence, such as sweating uncontrollably and embarrassing oneself, against the probability of the feared occurrence actually happening is an example of:

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. If you haven't had much experience with public speaking, you may imagine all of the things that could go wrong during your speech, rather than what may go well. This is an example of:

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. Which of the following relaxation techniques may reduce physiological symptoms of fight or flight response?

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. The ___________________ technique operates on the principle that relaxation and anxiety are incompatible and do not occur simultaneously.

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. Your friend is anxious about public speaking. She has decided to make a list of 10 progressive steps in the speaking process that will increase her anxiety. She reads her list and practices saying "relax" to herself. She proceeds down her list until she has examined all 10 items. She is trying the technique of __________________.

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