Chapter 11 Quiz Without Consequence

Please note that this exercise is for self-study, and your instructor will not be able to see your responses.

Quiz Content

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. There is little reason to use visual aids if your choice of aids serves no useful purpose.

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. Using several different-sized fonts for each PowerPoint slide is not advisable because it may confuse your audience and make reading text difficult.

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. PowerPoint slides or a Prezi presentation can enhance any speech.

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. Sometimes there is no substitute for showing the actual object to your audience. For example, you need to show the actual assault rifle to your classmates during your public speaking class on campus to illustrate key points made about the weapon.

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. Tables are great for isolating and clarifying a lot of information.

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. You want to demonstrate the perils of gum disease. Which of the following would be an effective visual aid?

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. You are giving a speech on Middle East crises in the last decade. Recognizing that most members of your audience cannot identify most countries and their locations, you should

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. Which of the following is a common mistake made by speakers who use visual aids?

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. Guidelines for competent use of visual aids include

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. Computer-assisted presentations are enhanced by the following:

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