In order to develop a competent speech delivery, it is important to understand the methods of delivery as well as strategies to overcome delivery challenges. There are four methods of delivery discussed in this chapter. Manuscript speaking is when a speech is written out and read by the speaker. It can sound overly formal and too scripted, but may also be appropriate when precision is of the highest importance. Memorized speaking is when the speaker delivers their speech with no notes, relying on their memory for the content. Impromptu speaking is a speech delivered with little to no preparation. The fourth method of delivery is the most common in public speaking classes: extemporaneous speaking. An extemporaneous speech is where the speaker relies on a prepared outline or notes. This style of speaking allows for the conversational tone of impromptu speaking while also including the detail and substance of a manuscript speech.
Whatever the style of delivery, there are several ways to develop a competent delivery for your speech. Make sure to make appropriate eye contact with your audience (not too little, and not too long). Use vocal variety through inflection, pitch, and volume. Work to avoid as many vocal fillers as possible. Be deliberate with your speaking rate, finding the right pace for your speaking style and topic. Strive for clarity in your speech with attention to articulation and pronunciation. Think about your body movements and posture by practicing in front of a mirror, and be thoughtful with your gestures. While a lectern or podium can be a useful tool for holding notes, be careful not to lean on it. If you are using a microphone, make sure that it is close enough to pick up your voice, and far enough away that your voice is not too loud in the room. Work to eliminate distracting behaviors.
If you are giving an online speech, speak two to three feet away from the camera, use focused eye contact and simple gestures, and recognize that you will not be getting immediate feedback from the audience. Make sure that you have set the stage for your speech by making sure your background is clear and clean. However you are delivering your speech, work to match the style to the context of your speech.