Chapter 10 Quiz Without Consequence

Please note that this exercise is for self-study, and your instructor will not be able to see your responses.

Quiz Content

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. You should strive to eliminate vocal fillers because listeners immediately notice them and are distracted by them

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. A preparation outline for a speech is one in which simple words and phrases are used in outline form, and a presentation outline is a full-sentence version.

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. Articulation is speaking words correctly as indicated in any dictionary based on Standard English rules.

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. One of the chief problems with reading a manuscript speech is the likelihood of getting buried in the manuscript and failing to make eye contact with your audience.

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. Impromptu speaking is the preferred way to delivery an important speech in almost all situations.

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. The ideal speaking rate for any speech is

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. A manuscript speech is most appropriate in which of the following circumstances?

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. Which of the following is sound advice about different methods of speech delivery?

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. Sound delivery advice includes

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. Which of these vocal techniques can induce interest?

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