Chapter 1 Quiz Without Consequence

Please note that this exercise is for self-study, and your instructor will not be able to see your responses.

Quiz Content

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. A speaker presenting a speech to a video camera that will be posted on YouTube, is an example of transactional communication.

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. Labeling someone a "competent speaker" makes a judgment about that person's degree of proficiency in a particular speaking context.

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. "Never get visibly angry when giving a speech" is a universal rule applicable to every speaking situation.

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. Detecting, decoding, and comprehending signals from your audience is called mindfulness.

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. Using information already published and easily accessible—whether on the web, on bumper stickers, or in moviesis not plagiarism, and sources need not be cited.

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. The successful performance of a communication behavior and the ability to repeat such behavior is which element of the communication competence model?

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. Which of the following are examples of communication noise?

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. "Public speaking is a transactional process" means

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. Texting while a classmate is giving a speech violates which of the following ethical standards?

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. Which of the following is a universal rule applicable to all public speaking situations?

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