Chapter 4 Multiple Choice Questions

Properties of aliphatic hydrocarbons

Quiz Content

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. Name the compound whose structure is shown below.

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. Name the compound whose structure is shown below.

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. Which of the following compounds has the highest boiling point?

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. Which of the following reaction types is characteristic of alkenes?

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. Which of the following carbocations is the least stable?

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. What will be the major product obtained from the acid-catalysed hydration of pent-1-ene?

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. Which of the following metals is used as a catalyst in the catalytic hydrogenation of both alkenes and alkynes?

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. What will be the final product, after protonation, of the reaction between an acetylide anion and a ketone.

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. What product(s) will be obtained from the acid-catalysed hydration of pent-2-yne?

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. Unsaturated fatty acids are used as excipients. Degradation of these compounds causes fats and oils to taste and smell rancid.
What is the major chemical process through which this degradation occurs?

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