Rosenthal Thinking Critically About Drugs Self-test questions

Rosenthal Thinking Critically About Drugs Self-test questions

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. Dr. Wolf wants to understand about the drug use of American women. She will study a sample of this population. Which best describes a representative sample of this population?

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. Dr. Kinsey is studying the effect of marijuana on cognition. He wants to see the relationship between marijuana and the ability to solve math problems. One hundred and fifty male volunteer participants come to the laboratory. Half of them smoke a joint. The other half smoke a clove cigarette. Participants don't know which they are smoking. Twenty minutes later, they are brought into a room and take a math test. Which part of this experiment represents the control?

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. Which visualization technique is being described? This is an X-ray that rotates around the head, to generate a cross section image of the brain. It shows only the structure of the brain, not the function.

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. Which of the following is not true of external validity?

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. Which of the following is NOT required in a direct-to-consumer drug ad?

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. A sample in which participants volunteer to take part in the study is called a self-selection sample

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. Larger samples are always better than smaller samples

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. If a tobacco company wanted to ascertain the effectiveness of a media campaign for smokeless tobacco, a representative sample would be their most cost-efficient choice

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. "Informed consent" is a process by which a research participant confirms his or her willingness to participate after being told what to expect from the procedure and how the information will be used

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. 10. When testing a new drug, a placebo may act as the control

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. The Monitoring the Future survey measures alcohol, tobacco, and drug use among 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students

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. In a PET scan, a radioactive substance is injected into the brain to show metabolically active areas

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. 13. An EEG is the best imaging technique for measuring sleep states

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. Compared to pay channels, network television is more likely to show extremes in drug and alcohol portrayals

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. In direct-to-consumer ads, pharmaceutical companies market their products directly to patients rather than to health care professionals

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