Chapter 8 Multiple choice questions

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. What is the 'reflective loss' principle?

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. What is the 'proper claimant' principle?

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. What is the difference between a derivative action and a derivative claim?

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. Which ONE of the following is outside the scope of the statutory derivative claim?

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. Which ONE of the following statements is true?

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. Ross is a member of TechnoCorp plc. The directors of TechnoCorp breach their general duty to act for a proper purpose and, as a result, the profits of TechnoCorp are drastically reduced. As a result, the dividend paid to the members is significantly reduced. Can Ross commence a derivative claim?

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. In order to obtain a remedy under s 994 of the Companies Act 2006, s a member must show that the conduct complained of was unfair or prejudicial. True or false?

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. Which ONE of the following is unlikely to constitute unfairly prejudicial conduct?

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. Which ONE of the following is unlikely to result in the company being wound up on just and equitable grounds?

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. The courts have identified a number of characteristics to help identify whether or not a company is a quasi-partnership. Which ONE of the following is not such a characteristic?

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