L Roach, Company Law (2nd edn, OUP 2022) chs 16 and 17 |
Provides an accessible and practical account of the rules relating to share capital and the capital maintenance regime. |
PL Davies, S Worthington and C Hare, Gower: Principles of Modern Company Law (11th edn, Sweet & Maxwell 2021) chs 16-18 D French, Mayson, French & Ryan on Company Law (37th edn, OUP 2021) chapters 6 and 10. |
Both of these texts provide an extremely detailed account of the different forms of capital and the rules relating to distributions of assets and capital maintenance. |
L Gullifer & J Payne, Corporate Finance Law: Principles and Policy (Hart 2011) ch 4. |
Discusses the functions of capital, and the capital maintenance rules. |
Journal articles
A Berg, ‘The Cuckoo in the Nest of Corporate Insolvency: Some Aspects of the Spectrum Case’ [2006] JBL 22. |
Analyses the case of Re Spectrum Plus Ltd and other relevant cases. |
F Clementelli, ‘(Under)valuing the Rules on Capital Maintenance’ (2012) 23 ICCLR 191 |
Explains the shortcomings in the capital maintenance rules and why reform is needed. |
A Daehnert, ‘The Minimum Capital Requirement – An Anachronism Under Conservation: Parts 1 and 2 (2009) 34 Co Law 3 and 34. |
Provides a detailed criticism of the minimum capital requirement placed upon public companies. Argues that the requirement is burdensome and anachronistic. |
S Mercouris, ‘The Prohibition on Financial Assistance: The Case for a Commercially-Pragmatic Interpretation’ (2014) 35 Co Law 321 |
Discusses how the courts should aopt a more commercially pragmatic view of the financial assistance prohibition. |
RR Pennington, ‘Can Shares in Companies Be Defined?’ (1989) 10 Co Law 140 |
Discusses what a share is and why legislation has never sought to provide a detailed definition. |
C Proctor, ‘Financial Assistance: New Proposals and New Perspectives?’ (2007) 28 Co Law 3. |
Discusses the law relating to providing financial assistance to acquire shares. Contends that the abolition of the rule in relation to private companies is welcome. |
S Worthington, ‘Shares and Shareholders: Property, Power and Entitlement – Part 1 (2001) 22 Co Law 258. |
Discusses historical and modern conceptions of the share. |
Company Law Review Steering Group, ‘Modern Company Law for a Competitive Economy: Company Formation and Capital Maintenance’ (DTI 1999) 22-54. |
Provides arguments for the capital maintenance reforms that were eventually introduced by the Companies Act 2006. |
P Myners, ‘Pre-Emption Rights: Final Report’ (DTI 2005). |
Analyses the law relating to pre-emption rights and discusses why such rights are needed. |