Chapter 5 Further reading and web links

Chapter 5 Further reading and web links

A. Baker, ‘The Judicial Approach to “Exceptional Circumstances” in Bankruptcy: The Impact of the Human Rights Act 1998’ (2010) Conv. 352.

E. Cooke, Land Law (OUP: Oxford, 2006, chapter 3).

B. C. Crown, ‘Severance of a Joint Tenancy of Land by Partial Alienation’ (2001) 117 LQR 477.

M. Dixon, ‘Trusts of Land, Bankruptcy and Human Rights’ (2005) Conv. 161.

M. Dixon, ‘To Sell or Not to Sell: That is the Question. The Irony of the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996’ (2011) CLJ 579.

M. Percival, ‘Severance by Written Notice – A Matter of Delivery?’ (1999) Conv. 60.

R. Probert, ‘Creditors and Section 15 of the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996: First Among Equals’ (2002) Conv. 61.

L. Tee, ‘Co-ownership and Trusts’ in Land Law: Issues, Debates and Policy (ed Tee, Devon: Willan, 2002) 132.

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