Chapter 4 Further reading and web links

Chapter 4 Further reading and web links

N. Cobbe and L. Fox, ‘Living Outside the System? The (Im)morality of Urban Squatting after the Land Registration Act 2002’ (2007) 27 LS 236.

E. Cooke, The New Law of Land Registration (Oxford: Hart, 2003, chapter 7).

D. Cowan, L. Fox-O’Mahony and N. Cobbe, Great Debates in Property Law (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2012, chapter 6).

M. Dixon, ‘Human Rights and Adverse Possession: The Final Nail?’ (2008) Conv. 160.

M. Dockray, ‘Why Do We Need Adverse Possession?’ (1985) Conv. 272.

K. Green, ‘Citizens and Squatters’ in Land Law: Themes and Perspectives (eds Bright and Dewar, Oxford: OUP, 1998).

R. Kerridge and A. H. R. Brierley ‘Adverse Possession, Human Rights and Land Registration: And They All Lived Happily Ever After?’ (2007) Conv. 552.

M. P. Thompson, ‘Adverse Possession: The Abolition of Heresies’ (2002) Conv. 480.

Web links

  • The following websites consist of links to the Land Registry Guides on claims to adverse possession of registered and unregistered land:

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