08. Mary Astell
Web Links
Project Vox: Mary Astell
This situates Astell’s historical and philosophical context, gives an overview of some of her major works and philosophical themes, and indexes primary and secondary sources.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Mary Astell
This site is a comprehensive philosophical introduction to and interpretation of Astell’s major philosophical works. It also includes a comprehensive list of primary and secondary sources.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Mary Astell
This site is a further comprehensive philosophical introduction to and interpretation of Astell’s major philosophical works. It also includes a list of relevant primary and secondary sources.
Oxford Bibliographies: Mary Astell
This site offers an overview of Astell and an annotated list of relevant secondary literature.
Sexism Killed My Love for Philosophy Then Mary Astell Brought it Back
This blog offers personal meditation on how connecting with Astell helped the author see philosophy as less hostile to women.