Genders and Technology

Quiz Content

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. Technologies are __________.

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. Women's liberation view advocates that technology can liberate women by __________.

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. Wajcman describes housework in terms of three main characteristics: __________.

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. The adoption of household technologies was believed to allow homemakers more time for __________.

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. With the development of the domestic science movement and germ theory, cleanliness and tidiness became representations of __________.

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. The introduction of labour saving technologies in the early 20th century saw what crucial domestic change?

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. Same sex couples use technologies

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. The rise of cybertariats can be considered an example of __________.

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. Fountain holds that women as pervasive consumers of ICT devices and services have:

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. The chapter talks about these initiatives to help bring women to IT jobs: __________.

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. Scratch was created to teach __________ to code.

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. The new hands-on learning spaces popping up in many libraries are called __________.

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. Mitch Resnick from MIT's Media Laboratory argues that __________.

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. The assumption that it is possible to ignore the body of the user when designing and developing new technology is incorrect because __________.

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. Women in technology fields are underrepresented in the tech industry because of

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. Online other users can provide feelings of belonging and affiliation for those who are marginalized in everyday life, this is referred to as __________.

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. The mainstream media when compared to YouTube has been criticized in how it portrays transgender individuals. What is one of the main criticisms of mainstream media's portrayal?

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. Stigmatized individuals will look for __________ in an online community.

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. Technological determinism will often ______________ complex social processes.

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. Sex and sexuality are mere biological facts.

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. Men and women shared household duties relatively equitably from the 1960s onwards.

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. Debates around gender issues are often initiated only after the design of the tool is completed.

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. Women's oppression view states that women will be enslaved through technological advances.

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. Reproductive technology is sometimes thought of as problematic because it is part of an overarching patriarchal structure.

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. Research shows that today there is no longer a difference in Internet access between men and women in Global North countries.

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. The domestic science movement lowered expectations around cleanliness and tidiness.

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. One of the difficulties facing individuals responsible for housework is that there are no formally established roles, tasks, or deadlines, which makes it difficult to determine when work is complete.

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. Labour saving technology drastically decreased the amount of time spent on housework.

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. Women who work outside of the home no longer do the majority of housework in their home.

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. Three in five Wikipedia editors are women.

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. Gender resegregation is a phenomenon in which women increasingly enter professions that have been traditionally dominated by men.

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. Facebook was an early adopter of gender self-identification categories.

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. Body erasure is the act of neglecting to consider the body during the design of the technology.

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. Technological determinism is often responsible for body erasure.

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. Virtual counterpublics are places that provide feelings of belonging and affiliation for those who are marginalized in everyday life.

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