The Surveillance Society

Further Readings

Conti, M., Dehghnantanha, A., Franke, K., & Watson, S. (2018). Internet of things secutiry and forensics: Challenges and opportunities. Future Generation Computer Systems, 78, 544-546. doi: 10.1016/j.future.2017.07.060

The authors discuss the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), the collection of private user information, and the security and forensics challenges within IoT domains.

Crocco, M. S., Segall, A., Halvorsen, A., Stamm, A., & Jacobsen, R. (in press). “It’s not like they’re selling your data to dangerous people”: Internet privacy, teens, and (non-)controversial public issues. The Journal of Social Studies Research. doi: 0.1016/j.jssr.2019.09.004

This article analyses high school students’ discussions on whether the monitoring, tracking, and sharing of users’ personal data from search engines and social media sites violates personal privacy.

Foucault, M. (1977). Discipline and punish: The birth of the prison. New York: Pantheon.

Through an analysis of prisons, this classic provides an in-depth historical study of the changes that have occurred in how society exerts control and enforces disciplinary action.

Elueze, I., & Quan-Haase, A. (2018). Privacy attitudes and concerns in the digital lives of older adults: Westin’s privacy attitude typology revisited. American Behavioral Scientist, 62(10), 1372–1391.

This empirically-based article studies the privacy protection strategies that older adults employ to guard their personal information whilst actively participating online.

Recommended Websites

Edward Snowden: Here’s how we take back the Internet

In this TED talk, Edward Snowden talks about the leak of top secret files and the consequences for how we think about surveillance in modern society.

Facebook Algorithms and Personal Data

This is a report by the Pew Research Center on what data Facebook keeps on users and how the data is used to target users with customized advertisements

Live Cyber Threat Map

This website shows cyber threat attacks around the world in real time.

How to Find Out What Google Knows About You and Limit the Data it Collects

This article discusses what Google saves in user’s privacy data and shows users how to download and access their data as well as how to limit the types of data Google saves.

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