Technology-Mediated Social Relationships

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Short Answer Questions


1. Eric A. Havelock’s theorizing was instrumental in stressing the political, social, and cultural changes brought about by the move from oral society to literate society. Compare and contrast oral society and literate society.


2. Describe the difference between digital native and digital immigrant.


3. Explain the four features of social networking sites outlined by boyd (2006).


4. boyd (2006) argues that through the activities of friending “people write community into being in social network sites.” What is meant by this statement?


5. Describe the four activities in accord with Carroll and Landry in which people engage on social networking sites after the loss of a loved one.


6. List the four types cyber bystanders identified by Quirk and Campbell.


7. Research shows that university students believe that the type of medium used to communicate the breakup of a romantic relationship is important. Give an example of a medium that is well-suited for a breakup and one which is not so well-suited for a breakup. Explain the reasons for your selections.


Essay Questions


1. What are the key distinctions between the terms drama and cyberbullying? Why do you think that teens are more likely to employ the term drama while parents and caregivers employ cyberbullying? Explain how the different terminology can make it difficult to create effective intervention methods that support youth.


2. Social norms continually change, and social media have played a role in changing many social norms. What is your opinion on taking funeral selfies? Do you think these new social norms around social media will become widely accepted as smartphones are more widely available? Do you think that there is going to be a generational divide? What kinds of challenges can this bring?


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