Chapter 9 Recommended resources

Globalization and Global Inequality

United Nations  

The United Nations is a global organization that addresses common challenges and issues across nations. The website includes news, documents, and information on nations around the world.

The End of Poverty  

This documentary addresses contemporary financial inequality as a result of military conquest, colonialism, and decades of unchallenged policies.


This website features a number of videos and podcasts relevant to globalization. Key speakers include Canadian scholars, such as author and activist Naomi Klein.

Oxford University Podcasts  

A number of podcasts on globalization are available on the Oxford University website. These are valuable resources for students who are interested in global inequality.

Feminist Theory  

This is a scholarly journal that publishes on feminism and feminist theory. In particular, students may be interested in a special issue (Volume 2, September 2016) which address feminism in the Global South.

McLaren, Margaret. (2017). Decolonizing Feminism: Transnational Feminism and Globalization. Rowman & Littlefield International.

This book by Margaret McLaren includes a series of essays by various scholars who address transnational feminism, decolonization and globalization.

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