
Quiz Content

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. Which of the following best describes the term "sex"?

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. The sense of belonging to a particular gender is called ________ whereas the behaviours, attitudes, and markers ascribed to genders by society are called ________. Which of the following best completes this statement?

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. Which of the following describes a person who resists gender norms but does not seek to change their sex?

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. What is hegemonic masculinity?

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. Which of the following best describes learned patterns of behaviour that reflect a set of social expectations about men and women?

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. Which of the following feminist icons coined the term "performativity"?

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. Conflict theorists assume that patriarchy derives power from which of the following structures?

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. Functionalist theorists are most likely to describe gendering as which of the following?

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. Which of the following terms suggests that gender disadvantage must be considered in relation to other types of vulnerability, such as ethnicity, class, or age?

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. Ben argues that gender inequality results from the struggle for economic and political power. Sarah disagrees; she argues that gender roles and a division of labour support an efficient society. Ben's position is most consistent with which of the following theoretical traditions?

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. Ben argues that gender inequality results from the struggle for economic and political power. Sarah disagrees; she argues that gender roles and a division of labour support an efficient society. Sarah's position is most consistent with which of the following theoretical traditions?

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. Which of the following theoretical perspectives suggests that socialization and labelling shape gender identities?

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. Which of the following refers to women's unpaid housework and caretaking performed in addition to labouring in the paid employment sector?

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. Compared to every dollar that men earn in Canada, women earn which of the following?

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. Which of the following feminist scholars was among the first to question gender stereotypes in education in the book A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792)?

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. Which of the following is the most common occupation among women with a university degree?

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. The normalization and frequent acceptance of sexual violence is found in:

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. Which of the following refers to a situation in which an abuser makes a victim question their own sanity?

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. Roughly how many people participated in the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women?

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. One of the takeaways from the #MeToo movement was that:

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. Housework is typically gendered, and:

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. In a lifetime, what percentage of women experiences repeat victimization?

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. Fewer than 40 percent of chronically abused women have which of the following?

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. Compared to women who experience short-term intimate partner violence, women in long-term abusive relationships are more likely to have which of the following?

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. Which of the following types of theorists is most likely to agree with the statement: "Gender roles and the division of labour support an efficient society"?

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. Which of the following best describes the sexual assault victimization rate for Indigenous women in Canada?

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. Masculinity and femininity are not exclusive to either sex or gender.

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. Binary refers to anything separated into two distinct and clear-cut categories.

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. Performativity refers to idea that factors such as gender are socially created and then acted out.

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. The second shift refers to the second jobs women take on to make up for their low wages relative to men.

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. Women are over-represented in the STEM disciplines in university programs.

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. Abused women are least likely to be murdered by their partner when they try to end the relationship.

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. Genderqueer refers to a person who has a gender that changes over time and contexts.

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. Judith Butler coined the term "performativity."

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. According to a 2015 Trans PULSE research study, more than fifty percent of transgender people had seriously considered suicide.

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. The society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology was founded in 2010.

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