Deviance and Crime

Quiz Content

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. Which of the following refers to behaviour that is thought to violate a widely held norm?

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. Behaviour that violates social rules is called ________ whereas behaviour that violates criminal law is called ________. Which of the following best completes this statement?

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. Which of the following scholars coined the term "governmentality"?

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. Which of the following scholars authored the book Folk Devils and Moral Panics?

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. Which of the following refers to a situation resulting from intense social concern over an issue, and is often an overreaction to deviant behaviour?

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. Which of the following types of theorists is most likely to argue that powerful members of society make and enforce laws to their own advantage?

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. Which of the following is another term for strain theory?

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. Which of the following scholars is most closely associated with strain theory?

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. Which of the following refers to a theoretical approach that examines the interconnection of social categories (race, class, gender, etc.) that create systems of oppression and disadvantage?

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. Which of the following statements would a structural functionalist theorist most likely agree with?

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. Control theory is most closely associated with which of the following theoretical traditions?

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. According to Travis Hirschi, which of the following is the most important factor in whether a child will commit delinquency?

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. Edwin Sutherland is most likely to agree with which of the following statements?

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. Which of the following best describes the violent crime rate in Canada over the last two decades?

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. Which of the following theories suggests that certain groups have values and attitudes conducive to crime and/or deviance?

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. Which of the following countries has the highest homicide rate?

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. Which of the following refers to crime committed by middle-class members of the business world?

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. Which of the following groups is most likely to be victimized by cybercrimes?

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. Edward reads on Facebook that his neighbour is going on vacation and will not be home. He notices that his neighbour has left his new car in the garage and that he forgot to lock it before he left. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Edward steals his neighbour's car. Which of the following would a routine activities theorist identify as the “suitable target” in this scenario?

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. Which of the following refers to areas in a city where the risks of crime are especially high?

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. Which of the following refers to a feature of a victim that an attacker finds particularly appealing?

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. Victim ________ refers to the idea that victims create some victimization risk for themselves. Which of the following best completes this statement?

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. Julie argues that punishment ought to prevent crime by imposing costs on those who commit offences. George disagrees; he thinks that punishment should reform criminals and help them to become law-abiding. Which of the following reflects Julie's position?

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. What term defines how some groups are seen as victims and not others?

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. Which of the following theories suggests that certain groups have values and attitudes conducive to crime and/or deviance?

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. Julie argues that punishment ought to prevent crime by imposing costs on those who commit offences. George disagrees, he thinks that punishment should reform criminals and help them to become law-abiding. Which of the following reflects George's position?

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. A Panopticon is a type of building designed to allow inmates to be watched without the inmates knowing whether they are being watched.

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. Restorative justice approaches focus on healing harms to victims, offenders, and the community.

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. Violent crime rates have been increasing over the last two decades in Canada.

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. The goal of most non-violent crime is to secure money or property, not to inflict harm.

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. Older men are more likely to commit crime than any other demographic category.

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. A gender gap exists in criminal offending, but not in criminal victimizations.

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. Japan has the highest homicide rate in the world.

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. Capital punishment is a very effective specific deterrent.

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. Sociologist Donald Clemmer (1940) developed his prisonization theory which proposes that prisons do not make people more competent.

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. Sex work is illegal in Canada.

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