Chapter 4 Recommended resources


Secret of the Wild Child

This film tells the story of “Genie” who was subject to extreme isolation, tied to a potty-chair, for the first decade of her life. The film follows her process of acquiring language after being rescued. The film raises interesting questions about the role of social interaction in the development of language.

Getting Wasted: Why college students drink too much and party so hard

In this book, Thomas Vander Ven presents the results of qualitative research on college drinking. The book raises important questions about the role of alcohol, secondary socialization, and the process by which students acquire a student identity and bond with their peers.


“Independent George”

In the television show Seinfeld, there is an episode titled “The Pool Guy” in which the character George expresses his concern over a situation in which his two selves will collide. “Independent George” (the self he presents to friends) may collide with “Relationship George” (the self he presents to his girlfriend) at an event where both social networks will be present. The clip perfectly illustrates the presentation of self, identity, and symbolic interaction.

John Howard Society:

The John Howard society is a non-profit organization that offers reintegration services and support for people rejoining society after a period of incarceration.

Asylums: Essays on the social situation of mental patients and other inmates

In this classic work, Erving Goffman (1961) details the concept of the “total institution”. The book details the socialization process in total institutions, the effect of institutionalization on previous relationships, and strategies for adapting to the total institution.

Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction:

This website is a valuable resource for students who want to learn more about the symbolic interactionist perspective. The website also includes information on awards and conferences. 

Succeed Socially:

Succeed Socially is a self-help resource making social norms and social skills explicit for people who face challenges in these areas.

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