
Quiz Content

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. Which of the following refers to the written and unwritten rules that members of a society are expected to follow?

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. The tendency to judge another's culture on the standards of one's own culture is _________; whereas the position that cultures should be judged on their own standards is _________. Which of the following best completes this statement?

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. Which of the following types of cultures is most interesting to Marxist sociologists?

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. Critical race theory best exemplifies which of the following theoretical approaches to the study of culture?

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. Sam is interested in the role of culture in socializing children to perform gender-specific roles. Which of the following theoretical approaches to the study of culture best describes Sam's interest?

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. Which of the following terms refers to the process by which people learn the attitudes, thoughts, and behaviours that a culture considers appropriate for members of a sex?

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. The chapter argues that culture is created through face-to-face interaction. Which of the following theoretical traditions is most consistent with this claim about culture?

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. In Canadian culture, the thumbs up gesture typically indicates approval. Which of the following best describes this gesture?

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. The terms policeman, fireman, and cleaning lady imply the types of people who are expected to fulfill these positions in society. A sociologist is most likely to describe these terms as which of the following?

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. College students, as a social category, best exemplify which of the following groups?

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. Which of the following types of cultures rejects conventional norms and adopts alternative or opposing ones?

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. Which of the following terms is synonymous with mass culture?

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. Knowledge and skills that help people to get ahead socially is called cultural _______; whereas having knowledge of what is needed to appear well-read in a given society is called cultural ________. Which of the following best completes this statement?

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. Which of the following scholars wrote one of the most important works in sociology, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism?

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. Max Weber's work explains the relationship between cultural change and which of the following?

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. Which of the following is the best approximation of the percentage of Canadians who have easy access to the Internet?

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. Which of the following terms refers to differences among demographic groups in accessing and using information through communication technologies?

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. Amy was raised in Canada. She recently visited another part of the world in which people tend to stand very closely to one another in public. She felt her "personal space" was invaded and interpreted the practice as quite rude. Which of the following best describes Amy's perspective?

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. Advantages unfairly afforded to people who are perceived to be "white" that are denied to people perceived to be "non-white" best reflects which of the following?

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. Which of the following describes cultural deflation?

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. Which theoretical tradition emphasizes the role cultural products play as 'social markers'?

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. The uptake of hybrid corn seeds best illustrates which social phenomenon?

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. Aspects of a society's culture which are visible and physical in nature are ________.

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. Bodily adornment, cooking, and dancing are included in George Murdock's (1945) list of which of the following?

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. Which of the following scholars described how powerful actors try to 'manufacture consent'?

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. The digital divide refers to differential access and use of communication technologies across demographic groups.

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. Sociologists reject the notion that there are universal aspects of culture.

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. Symbolic interactionist theorists argue that culture is produced through face-to-face interactions.

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. Conflict theorists argue that forms of culture embedded in ideology and religion are used to manipulate people and ensure conformity.

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. A symbol is a gesture, artifact or word that represents something other than itself.

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. High, mass, and popular culture are synonymous terms.

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. High culture has historically glamourized the poor.

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. Cultural capital refers to networks of relationships among people.

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. The sociology of science perspective views science as merely a subculture.

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. Scientific theories have the capacity to shape and change culture.

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