Chapter 16 Recommended resources

Social Movements and Collective Action

Occupy: The Movie

This documentary by Cory Ogilvie includes interviews with social activists during the Occupy movement. This important film details the challenges of burnout, horizontal organizing, and police relations during social activism.

Social Movement Studies

This is an open-access journal that publishes articles on social movements, social activism, and collective social action.

Prison Justice

This website includes information on prison activism, prison justice day, and resources on prison abolitionism.


This is the website of the social hacktivist group Anonymous. The website includes information and resources.

The Yes Men

The Yes Men are a social activist group who use comedy and public actions to draw attention to the problems of climate change and other environmental issues.

Social Problems

Joel Best’s book Social Problems is an excellent social constructionist review of the process by which claimsmakers use resources to rally public support and draw attention to social problems.

Docs Populi

This is archivist Lincoln Cushing's extensive collection of poster art related to various 20th century social movements.

The Road Forward

This film connects two movements separated in time but not theme: Indian Nationalism of the 1930s and the contemporary forms First Nations activism takes.

Pipelines, Power and Democracy

In this documentary we see intense contestation over the development of oil and gas projects and people's attempts to mobilize political strength to meet their goals.

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