Social Movements and Collective Action

Quiz Content

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. Which of the following terms refers to the claim that one has contributed to a social cause by merely retweeting or posting about an issue on social media?

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. Which of the following refers to organized efforts to resist or promote social change?

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. According to research by Schussman and Soule (2005), which of the following is the single most important predictor of individual participation in protests?

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. Which of the following refers to a situation where people disengage from their original SMO and become involved in another cause?

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. Which of the following social movements is most closely associated with the Industrial Revolution?

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. Which of the following was the primary objective of the women's suffrage movement?

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. Which of the following correctly represents the time period of the American Civil Rights Movement?

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. Which of the following marks the introduction of environmental movements?

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. Social movements that are ________ aim to change the established order; whereas social movements that are _________ attempt to create partial change to a specific aspect of people's behaviour. Which of the following best completes this statement?

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. Which of the following best describes social movements that focus on working to have a particular group's rights better represented within the current system?

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. Activism at the G20 Toronto summit best exemplifies which of the following types of social movement methods?

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. Which of the following types of social activism is best represented by the group Anonymous?

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. Silent protests, marching and hunger strikes best exemplify which of the following types of social activism?

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. Which of the following best describes Marx and Lenin's views of proletarian revolutions in capitalist societies?

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. Reproductive rights, equal pay and violence against women became central issues during which of the following waves of feminist activism?

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. What is most distinctive about Black Lives Matter as a social movement?

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. In the context of social movements, WUNC stands for:

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. Which of the following is a strength of centralized network structures?

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. Compared to centralized network structures, decentralized network structures tend to be more ________ and less _________.

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. Which of the following is the key focus of new social movement theory in explaining the formation and function of social movements?

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. Which of the following theories focuses on the role of social and digital networks in facilitating social movements?

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. Which of the following terms refers to the process of bringing different people together to form a single unified group?

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. Which of the following is at issue in the Canadian Idle No More movement?

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. Which of the following refers to managing an organization by adding controls, protocols and regulations?

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. Which of the following terms is synonymous with clicktivism?

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. Machine breaking refers to the violent destruction of property during protests.

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. Apartheid refers to a South African system of government based on racism and colonial oppression.

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. The anti-tobacco campaign Truth is an example of a reformative social movement.

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. Riots are collective protests characterized by emotion, lack of direction and violence.

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. A written statement supported by signatories is called a petition.

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. Internet kill switch refers to social hacktivist strategy.

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. Marx and Lenin saw protest as an inevitable outcome of the inherent conflict between classes in the capitalist system.

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. First-wave feminism is primarily concerned with the racial and global dimensions of gender inequality.

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. Horizontal forms of organizing is predicated on hierarchy.

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. Conflict theorists argue that social movements result from power imbalances.

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