Chapter 13 Recommended resources


Sociology of Religion

This is a sociological academic journal that publishes original scholarly works on the role of religion and spirituality in society.

The Elementary Forms of Religious Life

This classic work by founding sociologist Emile Durkheim details the role of religion in society from a structural functionalist perspective. 

Science v. Religion: What Scientists Really Think

This book by Elaine Howard Ecklund evaluates the relationship between religion and science. The book is based on data derived from surveys and interviews with scientists.

The Skeptics Society & Skeptics Magazine

This is a non-profit society dedicated to skepticism and resisting irrational and superstitious beliefs.

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

This is a link to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which details a section on equality rights, including freedom of religion.

An Honest Liar

This documentary is about world famous magician James Randi, who is also a scientific skeptic. Randi interrogates the claims about the paranormal, faith healers, psychics, and other quasi-religious claimsmakers.

The Life After God podcast

Ryan J. Bell is a former Seventh-day Adventist pastor who decided to live as an atheist for a year in order to examine his religious commitments. This is his podcast where he discusses contemporary issues of faith with various guests.

The New York Times: 'God is dead. So is the office. These people want to save both.'

This is a report on 'divinity consultants' hired to address spiritual needs and the practice of ritual in the workplace.

Me and the mosque

This is a documentary of Muslim womens' interactions with the mosque as a place of worship, examining issues of gender, spirituality, and equality.

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