Neuroscience 6e Chapter 33 Summary
A variety of methods have been used to understand the organization of language in the human brain. This effort began in the nineteenth century by correlating clinical signs and symptoms with the location of brain lesions determined postmortem. In the twentieth and now twenty-first centuries, additional clinical observations together with studies of split-brain patients, mapping prior to neurosurgery, transient anesthesia of a single hemisphere, and noninvasive imaging techniques such as PET and fMRI have greatly extended knowledge of the neural substrates of language. Together, these various approaches show that the perisylvian cortices of the left hemisphere are especially important for normal language in the vast majority of humans. The right hemisphere also contributes importantly to language, most obviously by giving it emotional tone. The similarity of the deficits after comparable brain lesions in congenitally deaf individuals and their speaking counterparts has shown further that the cortical representation of language is independent of the means of its expression or perception (spoken and heard versus gestured and seen). The specialized language areas that have been identified are evidently the major components of a widely distributed set of brain regions that allow humans to communicate effectively by means of symbols that can be attached to objects, concepts, and feelings. Unlike social communication in other species, linguistic symbols can be manipulated and organized to create an endless range of meanings that are not tied to the context at hand. These observations raise a host of as-yet unresolved issues, including questions about the origins of human language and the basis of its extraordinary development.