Chapter 4 Outline
- Introduction
- Introductory Box The Remarkable Success of Cochlear Implants
- The Auditory System
- Sound stimuli
- The peripheral auditory system
- The auditory cortices
- The perception of sound
- Perceiving the location of sound sources
- Box 4A Measuring Loudness
- Box 4B Music and Its Effects
- The Mechanosensory Systems
- The cutaneous/subcutaneous system
- The pain system
- Box 4C Somatosensory Illusions
- Box 4D Phantom Limbs
- The Chemosensory Modalities
- The olfactory system
- The taste system
- Trigeminal chemosensation
- Some Final Points about Sensory Systems
- Coding and labeled lines
- The malleability of sensory circuitry
- Awareness of sensory stimuli
- The representation of sensory percepts