Chapter 11 Outline
- Introduction
- Introductory Box Autism
- The Self
- Self-reflection
- Embodiment
- Perception of Social Cues Evident in the Face and Body
- Face perception
- Perception of biological motion
- Interpersonal attention and action direction
- Social Categorization
- Perception of social category information
- Stereotypes and automatic racial biases
- Monitoring and controlling racial bias
- Impression formation and trust
- Box 11A Measuring Implicit and Explicit Racial Attitudes
- Understanding the Actions and Emotions of Others
- Mirror neurons
- Perspective taking and mental-state attribution
- Theory of mind in children and apes
- Empathy, sympathy, and prosocial behavior
- Social Competition
- Social rank and stress
- Power motivation and dominance contests
- Box 11B Social Bonds and Kinship