Sexual/Affectional Orientations and Diversity

Quiz Content

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. The shift away from using the term sexual orientation to the newer term affectional orientation is based on the concept that ________.

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. Which of the following statements about homosexuality is true*a) The word homosexual did not enter the English language until 1869

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. What is one of the important factors a person considers when adopting a certain sexual identity?

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. Which of the following statements about asexuality is true?

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. Heterosexism is best described as ________.

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. The current state of research regarding conversion therapies suggests which of the following?

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. According to biological explanations, which of the following does not appear to play a role in the development of affectional orientation?

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. Which of the following statements is true regarding psychosocial explanations for the development of affectional orientation?

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. The process of telling another person or other people your sexual and/or identity label is known as ________.

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. According to your textbook, some believe that bisexuality is most similar to which of the following affectional orientations?

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. Which of the following statements regarding consensually non-monogamous (CNM) couples is false?

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. According to your textbook, which couples have the most sex?

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. What is the most common sexual practice among men who have sex with men?

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. Research has shown that ________.

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