Human Sexuality 2e, Practice Quiz: Chapter 08

Quiz Content

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. What sexually transmitted infection was studied in the Tuskegee experiment?

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. Which of the following sexually transmitted infections cannot be treated with antibiotics?

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. Allison was recently diagnosed with HIV and has been told that there is no treatment. In which year did Allison most likely receive her diagnosis?

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. Niko went to the doctor complaining of throat pain. His doctor diagnosed him with a sexually transmitted infection and prescribed antibiotics. Which infection does Niko most likely have?

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. Which sexually transmitted infection remains in the body's nervous system for life, where symptoms typically recur multiple times?

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. Which of the following is true about the transmission of STIs?

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. When should a person always be tested for STIs?

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. Which of the following is caused by a parasite?

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. Secondary syphilis is characterized by which of the following?

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. Where is the best place for Gabbi to store a condom she plans on using later in the evening?

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. Which of the following STIs is a bacteria?

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. Which STI is thought to have originated in primates?

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. Keeping patients on medications is the biggest concern for doctors treating individuals with which of the following STIs?

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. If a woman is pregnant, which STI is the mother least likely pass to her baby during delivery?

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. Which of the following STIs can only be transmitted through sexual intercourse (not including mother to infant)?

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. When is it safe to stop using condoms if you want to prevent sexually transmitted infections?

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. Which STI was more common in the past than it is in present day?

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. What is the most common way that STIs affect fertility in women?

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. Which of the following is considered a secondary measure for preventing STIs?

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. Which condition often results in a "fishy odour"?

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. Which of the following conditions is NOT caused by bacteria?

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. HPV can be categorized as either "low risk" or "high risk" strains. What does this categorization mean?

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. Which of the following conditions cannot be cured?

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. Which statement is NOT true regarding STIs caused by viruses?

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. A short while after having unprotected sex while on vacation, Billy notices a greenish-yellowish colour discharge coming from his urethra. Which STI does Billy most likely have?

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. Syphilis is one of the oldest STIs on record.

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. Most STIs caused by bacteria cannot be cured.

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. HPV infection occurs by way of skin-to-skin contact between an infected and uninfected individual.

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. Hepatitis A can be transmitted through ingestion of food or water contaminated with feces.

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. There are no effective vaccines to prevent HPV.

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. Many STIs are asymptomatic.

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. Gonorrhea has the highest prevalence of any reportable STI in Canada.

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. More than 1 million Canadians are living with HIV infection today, and between 2250 and 4100 new HIV infections occur in Canada each year.

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. HIV can be transmitted through non-sexual means.

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. Infestations of pubic lice or scabies are uncommon in Canada.

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