Psychopharmacology 3e Chapter 6 Recommended Readings

Psychopharmacology 3e Chapter 6 Recommended Readings

Aznar, S., and Hervig, M. E.-S. (2016). The 5-HT2A serotonin receptor in executive function: Implications for neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev., 64, 63–82.

Bazan, I. S., and Fares, W. H. (2016). Review of the ongoing story of appetite suppressants, serotonin pathway, and pulmonary vascular disease. Am. J. Cardiol., 117, 1691–1696.

Marazziti, D. (2017). Understanding the role of serotonin in psychiatric diseases. F1000Research, 6 (F1000 Faculty Rev), 180. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.10094.1.

Maximino, C. (2012). Serotonin and Anxiety: Neuroanatomical, Pharmacological, and Functional Aspects. New York: Springer.

Muller, C. P., and Jacobs, B. (Eds.). (2009). Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience, Vol. 21: Handbook of the Behavioral Neurobiology of Serotonin. London: Academic.

Murphy, D. L., Fox, M. A., Timpano, K. R., Moya, P. R., Ren-Patterson, R., Andrews, A. M., et al. (2008). How the serotonin story is being rewritten by new gene-based discoveries principally related to SLC64A, the serotonin transporter gene, which functions to influence all cellular serotonin systems. Neuropharmacology, 55, 932–960.

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