Psychopharmacology 3e Chapter 13 Outline

Psychopharmacology 3e Chapter 13 Outline

Nicotine and Caffeine



Background and History

Basic Pharmacology of Nicotine and Its Relationship to Smoking

Features of tobacco smoking and nicotine pharmacokinetics
Features of e-cigarette vaping and nicotine pharmacokinetics
Nicotine metabolism

Mechanisms of Action

Behavioral and Physiological Effects

Nicotine elicits different mood changes in smokers compared with nonsmokers
Nicotine enhances cognitive function
Nicotine exerts both reinforcing and aversive effects
Nicotine produces a wide range of physiological effects
Nicotine is a toxic substance that can be fatal at high doses
Chronic exposure to nicotine induces tolerance and dependence

Cigarette Smoking and Vaping

What percentage of the population are current users of tobacco and/or e-cigarettes?
Nicotine users progress through a series of stages in their pattern and frequency of use
Box 13.1 The Cutting Edge How Safe Are E-cigarettes?
Why do smokers smoke and vapers vape?
Smoking is a major health hazard and a cause of premature death
Behavioral and pharmacological strategies are used to treat tobacco dependence



Basic Pharmacology of Caffeine

Behavioral and Physiological Effects

Acute subjective and behavioral effects of caffeine depend on dose and prior exposure
Caffeine consumption can enhance sports performance
Regular caffeine use leads to tolerance and dependence
Caffeine and caffeine-containing beverages pose health risks but also exert therapeutic benefits

Mechanisms of Action

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