The ________ perspective rejects the concept of “national” development and instead emphasizes that the only development can be observed is within the capitalist world system.

________ was adopted by both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in the 1980s.

________ countries show a mix of both core and peripheral country characteristics. 

The ________ perspective attempts to understand globalization by examining how the world is becoming increasingly connected through changes in the way that society interacts with space and time. 

By examining ________, we can learn how globalization matters in our daily lives. 

The ________ perspective argues that the striking similarities we witness in terms of policies, structures, and other institutions of the state arise from a common set of “world cultural” normal, scripts, and models adopted and implemented by states.

The mixing of global and local identities has been referred to as ________. 

________ countries are that part of the world where we would expect to find labour-intensive economic production.

The ________ is the gap between people who can neither afford nor are sufficiently educated to access the new means to bridging time and space and those who can and are.  

________ countries are at the centre of economic and political power on the global stage.

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