The Canadian government uses the concept of the ________, which refers to people sharing a dwelling whether or not they are related.

Herbs, massage, chiropractic treatment, and homeopathy are examples of ________.

________ is often attached to people with HIV/AIDS, lung cancer, and mental illness.

Despite available and government supported medical care in Canada there is growing evidence of ________ within the health care system. 

________ arises from competing demands of different roles.

________ includes acts of physical violence, sexual violence, emotional abuse, and controlling behaviours. 

The ________ is a special position in society that prevents sickness from disrupting social life.

________ is the tendency for more and more life to be defined as relevant to medicine. 

Having to care for children and aging parents makes you part of the ________ generation.

Through divorce and remarriage we see more ________ families in Canada. 

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