According to Michael Katz, poverty an inequality is not about specific people and their personal qualities, but about ________.

________ stresses the layering of groups of people according to their relative prestige into social classes.

The word ________ is often used as an all-encompassing term to describe situations in which people lack many of the opportunities available to the average citizen. 

The ________ are often defined as anyone who is between ages 18 and 64, is not a student, lives independently, has earnings of at least $3,000 a year, and has an income below the LIM-AT measure.

Bias, prejudice, and discrimination on the basis of social class is known as ________.

A(n) ________ is a system based upon one’s achievements rather than any ascribed statuses.

The Pay Equity Act made it illegal to pay someone less for their work on the basis of ________.

An awareness of workers’ shared interests and their ability to act in those interests is known as ________.

A lack of basic necessities is referred to as ________.

________ is the purchasing of expensive goods and services primarily for the purpose of putting wealth on display.  

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