Marxism argues that the nature of society is determined primarily by the prevailing mode of ________.

________ was introduced in Canada as an official policy to recognize an inclusive society, tolerant of varieties of ethnic webs of significance. 

________ are complicated systems of many symbols deployed according to a set of rules.

________ refers to a set of ideas, concepts, and vocabulary that are regularly used together.

________ asserts that people’s choices are governed by the way class and markets of consumption tell us what to want and how to spend in order to live up to cultural expectations. 

The term ________ is used to describe the success of American run media in infiltrating the symbolic and value system of many nations. 

Students, gangs, teachers, musicians, and doctors are all examples of ________ within society.

By maintaining ________, the dominant groups can reinforce the common-sense understanding that inequality and domination by the elites is natural and inevitable. 

One particularly important neo-Marxist perspective on culture is the argument that our current economic mode of production is accompanied by a ________.

________ refers to the fact that goods, services, information, and people, now more than ever, can easily flow between distant countries.

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