Chapter 6 Web Links
A waterproof frog spreading waxy secretions on its skin
This brief sequence is an excerpt from Life in Cold Blood.
Nasal salt gland
Galápagos marine iguanas sneeze to expel the salty excretions of their nasal salt glands.
Water collection by the Namib Desert viper (Bitis peringueyii)
Water collection by the thorny devil (Moloch horridus)
This video has good sequences of jaw motion and behavior during drinking, but gathering dew from spiny plants has never been observed in the wild, whereas harvesting rain as shown in Figure 6.2 has been documented.
Movement of water across the skin of the thorny devil (Moloch horridus)
The video shows water moving across the body after the lizard was placed in a puddle. Transport of water by the scale capillary system described in Figure 6.2 is accurate, but the sequence was staged and it is not known whether thorny devils in the wild use puddles. They do capture raindrops on their backs and collect water by rubbing their bellies on wet sand.
Life in Cold Blood, Episode 2: The Cold-Blooded Truth
This video uses infrared photography to illustrate behavioral and physiological thermoregulation. Additional topics include temperature dependent sex determination, freeze tolerance, and Phyllomedusa sauvagii waterproofing its skin by spreading waxy secretions of skin glands.