Chapter 13 Web Links
North American frogs calling
Calls of eight species filmed in the field.
Bolivian frogs calling
Calls of 23 of more than 40 species of frogs that occur at the site. The videos show the intensity of calling effort, and in the background of several segments you can hear the calls of multiple species. There are brief views of tadpole transport, amplexus, and foam nest construction.
Túngara frogs (Engystomops pustulasus)
This brief video touches on the competing demands of sexual selection (females prefer males giving complex calls) and predation (males giving complex calls are easier for bats to locate).
Foot-flagging frogs:
- Foot flagging behavior of the Wayanad dancing frog of India (Micrixalus saxicola)
http://www.gururajakv.net - Foot-flagging display by the Brazilian torrent frog (Hylodes asper)
Vibrational communication by the red-eyed tree frog (Agalychnis callidryas)
Visual displays of jacky dragons (Amphibolurus muricatus)
Frill-necked lizard displays (Platysaurus sp.)
These lizards use their brightly colored ventral surfaces for display, while their dorsal surfaces blend with the rocks outcrops they inhabit.
Color change by panther chameleons (Furcifer pardalis)
- The color change is produced by guanine nanocrystals in a superficial layer of dermal iridophores and a layer of larger iridophores beneath
http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2015/150302/ncomms7368/full/ncomms7368.html - Aggressive display by a male panther chameleon
The brightly colored male is dominant.
Vocalization by a male alligator
The dancing water droplets are produced by subaudible vibrations.
Advertisement display of a male green iguana (Iguana iguana)