Quiz Content

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1. The early inhabitants of Greece developed agriculture during the Neolithic Age.

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2. The Greeks began making and using bronze weapons and implements around 3000 BC.

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3. The Greeks invented bronze and exported it elsewhere in Europe

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4. The early inhabitants of Greece developed agriculture during the Neolithic Age.

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5. The Greeks began making and using bronze weapons and implements around 3000 BC.

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6. The Greeks invented bronze and exported it elsewhere in Europe

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7. What we consider "civilization" first developed in Mesopotamia.

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8. Heinrich Schliemann's discoveries of Troy and Mycenae proved that there had been highly developed Greek civilizations during the Bronze Age.

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9. Cretan palaces like Cnossus performed only one function: housing the king.

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10. In addition to taking in food and goods from villages, the Cretan palaces redistributed them through wages and commerce.

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11. Although the Greeks traded with the Cretans, they did not adopt the Cretan writing system.

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12. Beginning around the fifteenth century BC, powerful families displayed their wealth by building shaft graves instead of large tholos tombs.

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13. While the Mycenaean kings of the fourteenth and thirteenth centuries BC built their palaces on Cretan models, they adapted them to withstand attacks by rival kingdoms.

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14. Despite the small size of the Mycenaean kingdoms, the Mycenaean trading network extended from Egypt in the east and as far as Macedonia in the north.

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15. Michael Ventris was the linguist responsible for deciphering Linear B.

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16. Mycenaeans did not worship Greek gods such as Zeus.

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17. The Mycenaeans employed slaves both in and out of the palace.

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