Quiz Content

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. Baier says some philosophers think that justice is

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. Baier insists that the best moral theory has to be a product of women and

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. According to Jaggar, feminist approaches to ethics are distinguished by an explicit commitment to

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. According to Held, virtue ethics emphasizes the character of individuals, but the ethics of care focuses more on

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. Baier asserts that there is little disagreement that justice is

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. Baier says that the best moral theory must

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. Feminist ethics is defined by

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. Many feminists think that the familiar principles of Western ethics—autonomy, utility, freedom, equality, and the like—are

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. Kant would probably judge the ethics of care to be

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. Many feminist writers maintain that the values and virtues inherent in most traditional moral theories reflect a(n)

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. The values of interdependence, community, connection, sharing, emotion, body, trust, absence of hierarchy, nature, immanence, process, joy, peace, and life are supposedly

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. Some proponents of feminist ethics reject the traditional concept of

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. The notion that men and women have dramatically different styles of moral decision-making was highlighted in research done by

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. Baier says that the best moral theory must be a cooperative product of women and men.

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. Most moral theories emphasize duties and downplay the role of emotions, attitudes, and motivations.

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. The ethics of care shifts the focus of moral theories to the unique demands of specific situations and virtues.

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