1. What are some of the moral questions specific to the COVID-19 pandemic? Which do you think are most important? Least important?
  1. Respond to the following quote from Laurie Zoloth, an ethicist at the University of Chicago: “Freedom should not come at the expense of justice. In America, we once had a vision of freedom in which sacrifice was inherent: People sacrificed their very lives for the freedom of others. We've let that vision devolve into one of mere personal preference.” Do you agree with her? Disagree? Explain.
  1. What reasons does Sandel give for why American attitudes about self-sacrifice are different now from what they were during other difficult periods in American history? Do you agree with him about current attitudes?
  1. Respond to the following from Sandel: “From the outset of this crisis, we've heard the slogan, ‘We are all in this together.’ We hear it from politicians, advertisers, and celebrities. It evokes our mutual dependence and vulnerability in the face of COVID-19. It points to an inspiring ideal. But it rings hollow, because we know it doesn't describe the facts on the ground.” What examples does he give in support of his claim?
  1. What are the four fundamental values related to allocation of resources discussed by Emanuel, Persad, Upshur, et al? Explain what each means.
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