Quiz Content

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. _______ is the process through which information from a stimulus is received by the senses and is then organized, interpreted, and experienced.

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. About 80 percent of the information that comes from the external environment comes from

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. The sense of _______ elicits the strongest emotional reaction.

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. The smallest level of stimulus that can be can be picked up by our senses is called the _______ threshold.

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. Why do marketers try to get their products and messages in as many places as possible?

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. Attaching meaning to a stimulus is known as

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. What well-known phenomenon says that the more often you are exposed to a stimulus, the more you will like it?

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. The cognitive frameworks that are used to organize and interpret information are called

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. Which Gestalt principle says that experiencing psychological tension motivates individuals to fill in the "missing" elements of an incomplete picture?

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. Which Gestalt principle finds that items that are close together are perceived to be more similar than items that are farther apart?

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. Experiencing an emotion is an example of which type of response?

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. Why would a brand consider repositioning?

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. _______ risk reflects the potential to damage an individual's self-perception.

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. _______ is concerned with exploring the links between signs and symbols and the meanings they signify and convey.

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. Why would consumers conclude that a product is deserving of a high price?

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