
Quiz Content

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. The decision in the Deepwater Horizon case to drill without the centralizers was made on what basis?

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. Which of the following definitions of "sustainable development" best fits the notion of sustainability endorsed by the EPA in the past?

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. Broad and strong sustainability is best described as sustainability that

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. For hundreds of years, Mandragoraofficinarum (a poisonous plant) was widely used for curing a variety of diseases. Today you can, however, find plenty of equally good or better synthetic medicines in your local drug store. Let us imagine, contrary to the historical facts, that some new technology had been introduced 20 years ago that we knew would kill all Mandragora plants. Would that have been of any concern to us if we knew that no sentient being would ever need the plant again for medical (or any other) purposes?

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. Someone who believes that nature has instrumental but no intrinsic value might say that the instrumental value of the poisonous plant MandragoraOfficinarum

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. If the natural world is intrinsically valuable, then

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. The distant nuclear fireworks example has us consider the last man on a spaceship watching as Earth is about to crash into the Sun, killing all the life on it. The last man can delay this inevitable event by five years by firing a missile from the spaceship. The authors think our intuitive moral judgment should be that the last man has no such obligation. What would this show?

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. In the case where students can save a little time walking to class by taking a shortcut through the lawn, why is it rational for every student to take the shortcut even if they value the health of the lawn?

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. "The tragedy of the commons" is a type of

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. The lesson of prisoner's dilemmas for sustainability is:

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