Quiz Content

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. ''The medium is the message'' and ''the global village'' are phrases coined by which media theorist?

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. Technological determinism is the belief that technology __________.

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. __________ is the regular dissemination of a belief, doctrine, cause, or of information with the intent to mold public opinion.

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. Which of the following is a significant function of media theories?

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. __________ is a comprehensive and normative body of ideas and standards held by an individual or a group.

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. The__________ is the gap between regions and demographics that have access to modern digital-communications technology and those that have limited or no access.

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. Which of the following theories is derived from a sociohistorical framework?

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. Which theory says that we use media to meet psychological needs?

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. Which theory posits that people rely on a sixth sense to gauge the prevailing climate of opinion?

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. A __________ study gathers data on subjects at a specific point in time.

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