Works of theory

Allan, T. R. S., Constitutional Justice—A Liberal Theory of the Rule of Law (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003)

Bingham, T., The Rule of Law (London, Penguin Books, 2010; paperback and Kindle edns, 2011)

Brake, M., and Hale, C., Public Order and Private Lives: the Politics of Law and Order (London, Routledge, 1992)

Cosgrove, R. A., The Rule of Law: Albert Venn Dicey, Victorian Jurist (London, Palgrave Macmillan, 1980)

(*) Cotterrell, R., The Sociology of Law: An Introduction (2nd edn, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1992)

Delupis, I., The International Legal Order (Aldershot, Dartmouth, c. 1994)

Dyzenhaus, D. (ed.), Recrafting the Rule of Law: The Limits of Legal Order (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 1999)

Plant, R., The Neo-liberal State (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009)

(*) Roberts, S., Order and Dispute: an Introduction to Legal Anthropology (Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1979)

Schachter, O., and Joyner, C. C. (eds), United Nations Legal Order (Cambridge, Grotius, 1995)

(*) Abel-Smith, B., and Stevens, R., In Search of Justice: Society and the Legal System (London, Allen Lane, 1968)

Ward, I., Introduction to Critical Legal Theory (2nd edn, London, Cavendish Publishing, 2004)

Human Rights and Europe

Birkinshaw, P., and Bondi, A., (eds) Britain Alone: The Implications and Consequences of United Kingdom Exit from the EU (The Netherlands, Kluwer Law International, 2016)

Dickson, B., and Connelly, A., Human Rights and the European Convention: the Effects of the Convention on the United Kingdom and Ireland (London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1997)

Green, D., A. Brexit: What Everyone Needs to Know (Oxford, Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2019)

Rainey, B., McCormick, P. and Ovey, C., Jacobs, White, and Ovey, The European Convention on Human Rights (8th edn, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020)

Socio-legal Empirical studies

(*) Abel-Smith, B., and Stevens, R., In Search of Justice: Society and the Legal System (London, Allen Lane, 1968)

Cane, P and Kritzer, H., Oxford Handbook of Empirical Legal Research, The (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012)

Kennedy, H., Eve Was Framed: Women and British Justice (London, Random House digital, 2011)

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