Chapter 5 Self-check questions and answers

5.1 Which key properties of neurons allows them to combine to form a nervous system?

A Excitability and communicability

5.2 What two main types of synapse are there and how do they differ?

A Chemical - neurotransmitter
   Electrical - direct ion passage

5.3 What is the role of myelin in the nervous system?

A Permits faster (saltatory) conduction of impulses

5.4 How does the vascular endothelium in the CNS differ from that of most other tissues?

A Not fenestrated, prevents passage of blood components

5.5 The ventral and dorsal spinal nerve roots carry fibres in which directions?

A Ventral efferent, dorsal afferent

5.6 Which hormones are produced in the posterior pituitary?

A None – the posterior pituitary is only the site of release of hypothalamic hormones.

5.7What are the organs that provide communication between skin and muscles?

A Sensory end organs (capsulated and unencapsulated) in skin, and motor end plates in muscle.

5.8 Both produce a myelin sheath but how do Schwann cell differ from oligodendroglial cells.

A Each Schwann cell only myelinates a single segment of an axon, an oligodendrocyte can myelinate segments of several different axons.

5.9 How is a peripheral nerve fascicle protected from external influences?

A By the perineurium. The cells in this are connected to form a continuous sheath. This acts as a diffusion barrier, protecting the contents

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